Saturday Mishmash
At 10am I stopped work for a much needed cup of tea and piece of fruit cake. I sat down, sipped my tea and glanced over the jumbled mess that my kitchen had become. I didn't shudder at the sight. No, not today. For today I was exceedingly happy with all that I had achieved so far.
The morning started with the application of some essential oils.
About four months ago a friend of mine invited me to an essential oil "party" and I've been hooked on them ever since. Initially I started using them in homemade cleaners. I had a big spring clean at the beginning of the year and was ashamed at how many different household cleaners were in my cupboards. Most were half used and dusty and had probably been there for years. But mostly I wanted to cut down on all the toxic chemicals that I was spraying around my house, and that were being absorbed into my body and also the environment around me.
As I have become more familiar with using essential oils I have been using them for minor cuts, stings, fighting off the common cold, anxiety and fear. But what I use them for most of all is helping me to sleep. I can't begin explain how much this has helped improve the quality of my daily life.
Clarycalm and Peace are oils that I use daily. The Clarycalm helps support my hormones throughout the month; and I'm finding that using Peace daily is helping my anxiety. (Obviously there could be other factors helping with my anxiety, but I honestly believe that the accumulative effect of wearing this oil daily has helped to calm my anxiousness).
This morning I added InTune, it's the focus blend but for me it's the "kick up the bum" blend. It gets me moving, it gets me motivated, it gets me focused. It gets things done!
First on the list this morning was finishing off the border on this "Peachy Geometric" shawl. You can find the pattern here. It's been a lovely projects to work on, like all of Sandra Paul's patterns it is very well written and enjoyable. Not too difficult but also not boring. I'm quite sad to be finishing this one.
So the border is finished, now I have to sew in the ends and block the shawl. I've used Drops Alpaca - Aqua Grey Mix. It's the first time that I've used this yarn and I have found it to be very soft and easy to work with. I'm also enjoying this grey/green colour. My only misgiving about this yarn is whether or not it will be itchy when worn around the neck. But I'm sure that's something I'll find out very soon.
I saw this book in my local post office last month and must admit that it was an impulse buy. Every other day I have been looking at the homemade liquid soap recipe but have been dilly-dallying about whether or not to make it.
Today with the help of a little "InTune" I finally rolled my sleeves up and went a step further. I used the liquid soap to make some laundry detergent, which I am trialing even as I type. What I discovered is that it is so so easy to whip up, really I have no excuse not to keep making my own laundry detergent. Plus it is saving me heaps of money too.
I also made the spray and wipe and the dish-washing liquid.
My lemon tree is massed with ripe fruit and I have been busily making lemon pies to use up the fruit, but I have been procrastinating about making some lemon curd.
This morning I decided to keep the ball rolling and whipped up three jars of delicious lemon curd. It's something that I've never made before, but there are lots of slightly different recipes out there to choose from. In the end I only had four eggs to use, which limited what recipes I could follow.
So I went to my old faithful CWA book and used a "lemon cheese" recipe.
Again this was so quick and easy to make that I have no excuse not to be making it more often. I wonder if it can be frozen?
Also slowly progressing on my hook are these granny squares for a large blanket. I've finished all the central motifs and I'm just over half way with the parchment borders. I'm really enjoying making this blanket. But I'm not looking forward to sewing in all those pesky little ends.
Hope you are having a productive Saturday.
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