
Every now and again over the last six months I've found myself standing in front of my yarn stash, gazing at the top left cubby-hole, thinking that I'd love to make a blanket using a selection of these more neutral colours. At the same time I've been glancing at my blue cubby-hole thinking how much I love the colour blue in all it's shades and variations.


This week while searching the web for another project I came across the "Last Dance on the Beach" CAL from earlier this year.
It's absolutely beautiful.
Such a soothing blanket perfect for some calming colours.

At first I put together a combinations of blues, greens and neutrals.
But I was missing white.

So I decided to leave out the greens and focus on blues and more neutral tones and, of course, white.
I'm really happy with the colours I've chosen.
They sooth my heart.

The next problem was deciding who this project was intended for.
Then it came to me.
It would be perfect for my mam.
I'll make it for her for Christmas.

So far I've printed out patterns and matched up yarn to each pattern.
I've started week one and will keep you up to date with my progress.


Still on my hook is the stripy baby blanket. I've finished the main body of the work. Now I have lots of ends to sew in and a border to finish  off the blanket.

A friend gave me this giant tin which is great for stashing current projects in. I keep it beside my chair in the living room and when I close the lid I lock inside all the chaos of woolly projects. It's great, and my D can't complain about bits of yarn lying around everywhere.

My beautiful girl Sally. We call her our million dollar dog. At the beginning of the year she was bitten by a brown snake. Luckily we were able to rush her into the vets and after a week long stay we were able to bring her home. It was touch and go for a few days there, I went in to visit her and she was paralyzed, couldn't lift her head, had to be propped up so she wasn't lying on her side. It was awful. But she pulled through, came home, had a couple of weeks quiet recovery time. Anyone with a dog will know how difficult it is to keep a young active dog "quiet" and calm at all times.
But she made a full recovery and is 100% back to normal.
D grumbles about the cost but she's more than worth it.


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