Out with the new & in with the old.

I'm sad to say that my closed shell blanket has been folded up and put away. I knew the time was drawing nearer with each stripe that I made. Basically I've run out of cream wool. So I faced the decision of either waiting until I go to the city again - which could be any time in the next 12 months - or use a different brand, but I can't find a any cream wool in town and I'm not confident about being able to match the colour over the internet. Also I need another ball of the blue, so I've decided to sit on this project for now.

Here is my 3rd set of colours, (from left to right)

(34) green; (?) blue; (61) sky blue; (07) red; (49) grey/green; (69) purple;
(13) yellow; (68) brown/grey; (01) pink; (15) orange; (60) mint; (16) rust

As you can see I managed to get to the yellow stripe before I had to put this away. I love watching this blanket grow each week but I know that I'll get a lot of joy when I come back to this project later in the year. It isn't being forgotten, only put aside.

"So, what to do now?" I asked myself. - "Go back to a work in progress, of course!"

So I swapped my shell blanket for my original granny stripe blanket that I started all the way back in September.

To tell the truth, I've really enjoyed going back to working with the Stylecraft Special DK, it's so much smother than the wool, and I've also enjoyed working with the colours again, even though some of them are a little a lot in your face. 
This blanket was the one that started my journey into the world of crochet and I'm finding that it has a lot of sentimental value to me. I threw around the idea of giving this away as a gift but I'm not sure that I can bring myself to part with it.

The blanket itself is finished, all I have left to do now is the border. I've already picked out my colours and will get cracking with it this week. Hopefully it will be finished very soon.

Now on to the weather..... The humidity here at the moment is terrible! our skin is sweaty from the moment we get up until we go to bed, luckily we have air con at night. To be honest it's times like this when I really want to up and go back to England, I'd take sleet and snow over humidity any day of the week!
To top it off my slave driver of a husband still forces me to work each day when all I want to do is stand under a shower lol. Yep we've been doing more fencing this week, and putting in more posts down in the river. 

This picture isn't very clear because I used D's phone and had to zoom in. I tried to take this picture before the dogs raced down and plunged into the river. Anyway, we were greeted by four black swans swimming , they were absolutely beautiful and something that I've never seen here before, we were very lucky to see them.

And this is where we were working, you couldn't pay to work in an office like this!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that for the last two weeks I've been busy planting seeds into my vegi garden and a lot of them have come up. I'll take some photos this week or I'll forget and the next thing I know they'll be fully grown plants. 
One of my new years resolutions was to get a bit more serious about the vegi garden. I've been growing vegi's for the last four years but I should admit that not a lot of planning went into it. I am the typical part time vegi gardener who has that common problem of feast or famine, the garden is either bursting at the seams with vegi's or there's nothing there at all. But not this year, I want to produce food all year round and intend to give it a very serious go. We're still in the first month of the year but so far so good!



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