Closed Shell Blanket - Part 2

My blanket is coming along nicely and I'm very much enjoying watching it grow. It's so nice spending time with this blanket in the evenings before bed, feeling the pull of the wool through my fingers and watching as it changes appearance with each addition of colour.

For this blanket I'm using 12 colours and cream. I'm laying out the colours quite randomly and my plan is to do one set of colours each week.

This is my colour layout for week one, reading left to right, left to right. The label doesn't include the name of the colour (so I've made them up for my records!) only the number.

60 (Mint); 69 (purple); 01 (pink); 68 (brown grey); 13 (yellow); 15 (orange)
49 (grey/green); ? (blue); 34 (green); 16 (rust); 61 (sky blue); 07 (red)

This is my colour layout for week two, reading left to right.

13 (yellow); 68 (brown/grey); 34 (green); 15 (orange); 60 (mint); 69 (purple)
61 (sky blue); 07 (red); 49 (grey/green); ? (blue); 01 (pink); 16 (rust)

So do you want to see my blanket so far?

This is the predominantly cream side.

And this is the colourful side. They look like two different blankets don't they?

Which side do you prefer? I find that my favorite side of the blanket changes on almost a daily basis, and I must confess that I spend quite a lot of time (too much really) flipping it around and looking at it from different angles and sides and draped from different pieces of furniture. Today, however, I'm really enjoying the colourful side, it looks good enough to eat!

And this mouthwatering texture makes it almost irresistible, I look at it and want to touch and feel it, I want to wrap it around me and snuggle up in it. It gives me so much pleasure watching it grow and knowing that each week is another step closer to when I can use it. 

Do you see all the ends to be sewn in? I'm trying to convince myself to do them now, and keep on top of them each week rather then leaving them to the end when they'll be overwhelming. I don't think that I'm convincing myself though.

Do you like my bowl? My mam sent two of these over from Spain a couple of years ago, one was smashed beyond repair and this one has a chip in it on the left hand side. I put it away in the cupboard thinking it was too good to use and completely forgot about it until this week. Now I use it to put my wool in which is working out well, it's become useful and visible and stops my yarn from rolling underneath the chair; and every time I look at it I remember where it came from. 
It's quite funny, I was just scrolling down this page to check over what I'd written when I've realised that the colours from the bowl are very similar to the ones I chose for the blanket, a different tone and gloss but they do pair up quite well.

This last week has been very humid and sticky, with lots of storms around, we've spent the week putting in some posts in a dry creek. We back onto a dam and when it is full the water backs up our creeks and river so we're taking the opportunity to do this now.

We've also been cleaning out troughs.

Sometimes I think that animals definitely have more common sense that humans. While we're working in the hot sun the girls are chilling in the shade with a nice drink! 

I mowed the lawn yesterday afternoon, then D and I sat outside and enjoyed a drink and some nibbles. It's really nice when you can relax and appreciate all the work that you do.

I hope you are managing to relax and enjoy your hard work like us.



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