Little Granny Square Crochet Cushion
My little square cushion is finished and I love it to bits. It's the first crochet cushion that I've made and is proudly sitting on my couch, just waiting for me to make a friend for it.
It's been there for less than 24 hours and already I've told D not to lean on it, sit on it......breath on it! Which I might add did not go down very well at all. Still, I wonder how long I will hover over it like a protective mother with her only child?
I started making these little squares over a year ago now, using the "Springtime Throw" pattern from Nicki Tranch's book "Cute & Easy Crochet" found here.
I love the choice of colours that she used for this piece but decided to use the yarn that I could find locally in town. So I used a combination of "Shepherd" & "Sean Sheep" 8ply 100% wool.
I used seven colours which are as follows;
Pink (Shepherd)
Pale Blue (Shepherd)
Purple (Shepherd)
Strawberry (Shepherd)
Russet (Sean Sheep - Stirling)
Cactus (Sean Sheep - Stirling)
These are very simple granny squares -
1st round - colour
2nd round - cream
3rd round - colour
I made 72 squares in total.
To make up the cushion I randomly laid out 6 rows of 6 squares and with the wrong side together joined them using a dc UK (sc US) seam, first vertically and then horizontally. The cushion measures 40x40cm.
Once I had made both sides I joined them, wrong side together, using a dc/sc join.
I was tempted finish the cushion with a more elaborate edge, but I don't think that it would suit the overall appearance. I feel that the edging is simple, but it works well.
I plan to make the blanket one day, perhaps I'll squirrel away a few squares each month, I think the blanket uses over 400 squares so in a couple of years I might be ready to join them! But until then I will be happy looking at my cushion every day and I think seeing how gorgeous it is will help motivate me to one day make it's big sister. I also think that it would make a beautiful baby blanket.
Oh, by the way, you can see my granny stripe blanket project behind the cushion, it's coming along very nicely but I still have a very loooong way to go yet.
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